the elj project

Open Source Eiffel Libraries and Applications

(SmartEiffel and ISE Eiffel)

wxEiffel (ewxw): elj interface to the WxWindows GUI library


wxEiffel (ewxw) is elj interface to the WxWindows GUI library (version 2.2.9)


wxWindows gives you a single, easy-to-use API for writing GUI applications on multiple platforms. Link with the appropriate library for your platform (Windows/Unix/Mac) and compiler (almost any popular C++ compiler), and your application will adopt the look and feel appropriate to that platform. On top of great GUI functionality, wxWindows gives you: online help, network programming, streams, clipboard and drag and drop, multithreading, image loading and saving in a variety of popular formats, database support, HTML viewing and printing, and much much more.

The wxWindows library is available from:

wxWindows has an active developer and user community. A very active newsgroup provides useful information, resources, etc ..

Documentation for wxEiffel is for the moment limited to the source code (apart from this brief tutorial):

and an example:

Note: For win32 users we provide the appropriate lib (ewxw_lcc.lib) file to work with the wxWindows interface:

For Linux users we provide the appropriate lib ( ..) file to work with the wxWindows interface:

built with wxWindows

elj Project Quick Links
Project Status/Warning (25 July 2003)
Official Downloads:
0.7 Release (20 Jun 03) (announce getting started docs)
Docs: Tutorial (pdf), Style (pdf) Syntax etl3
wxEiffel: wxWindows (ver:2.4.1) (cvs, wxWindows, lists: users dev, news *, wx-c)
Common Classes (cvs)
elj-db: elj database interface
elj FireBird interface (cvs, lists)
elj sqlite (cvs, home, list, news, SQL)
elj SleepyCat interface (cvs, news)
elj mysql interface) (cvs)
elj Postgres interface (cvs, news)
elj btrieve (cvs news)
compression: zlib bzip2/bzlib
elj Lua interface (cvs home list news)
elj libxml2 interface (cvs eg list news)
os: elj win32api interface
Eiffel Struggle 2003 (NICE cetus-links ceug)
ewg (Eiffel<->C) (home cvs news)
ePDF (PDF) (home cvs news)
yaesockets (home cvs news)
nenie Eiffel (xml,networking,snmp,DES,..) - (homepage cvs)
Goanna (web services) - (cvs)
mico/E (open source Eiffel CORBA services )
ePosix: posix interface (news)
EiffelOpenGL (sf cvs)
elj-girls: our first application
diuturnal: multiplayer turn-based strategy game (home cvs)
elj Perlish -(cvs examples Perl)
elj Reg Exp -(cvs PCRE)

elj Dependency Links
SmartEiffel (GNU Eiffel Compiler FAQ) - (beta bugs list news *)
ISE Eiffel (downloads) - (list cle faqs)
GOBO Project (lists: dev user commits cvs geant * gexace)
elj Mailing List: (elj-devel elj-users elj-commits)

elj hosted and supported by SourceForge

``.. in open source, software lives on if there are enough believers to keep it alive ..'' (WSJ - 20 Jul 2003)
Dec 04, 2003, 00:26 UTC