deferred class interface PERLISH_SYSTEM feature(s) from PERLISH_SYSTEM writable: BOOLEAN -- indicate whether this child process can be -- read from or written to. feature(s) from PERLISH_SYSTEM readable: BOOLEAN -- indicate whether this child process can be -- read from or written to. set_writable -- Mark the child process as having input -- redirected so the parent can write to it. set_readable -- mark the child process as having output -- redirected so parent can read from it. command: STRING close_write_end -- note: I've not yet found a need for being -- able to close the read end. -- This should happen anyway when the child -- process is destroyed. feature(s) from PERLISH_SYSTEM write_to_pipe (text: STRING) read_from_pipe: STRING run -- implementation dependent: -- start execution of the child process. end of deferred PERLISH_SYSTEM