class interface PERLISH

feature(s) from PERLISH
   -- {PERLISH}

   prefix "#<>": STRING
      -- emulates the Perl diamond operator <>. Command line arguments
      -- are treated as input file names and read a line at a time.
      -- Seamlessly transitions from one file to the next. If there are
      -- no command line arguments, data will be read from std_input.
      -- If input is pending, #<> returns a string representing the
      --    current line. As a side effect, #<> sets the reference
      --    returned by #$_.
      -- Else returns Void.
      -- As a prefix operator, #<> needs to precede a PERLISH object
      -- such as the feature "p".
      -- To test for success and not actually get the string,
      -- compare the return value with Void.
      -- Unlike the Perl <> operator, EOL character(s) are stripped off.
      -- Sometimes this is a good, thing, sometimes not.
      -- example: this loop implements a simple-minded cat program.
      --  from
      --  until
      --     #<> p = Void
      --  loop
      --     print(#$_ p + "%N")
      --  end
         Result /= Void implies last_string.is_equal(Result)

   prefix "#": STRING
      -- If std_input text is pending, return a string representing the
      --   current line. Sets the ref returned by #$_ as a side
      --   effect.
      -- Else returns void
      -- Similar to #<> in needing an object like "p" to prefix and in
      -- its handling of EOL characters.
         Result /= Void implies last_string.is_equal(Result)

   infix "#=~" (args: COLLECTION[STRING]): BOOLEAN
      -- #=~ implements a rough equivalent of the Perl =~
      -- operator. Expects two arguments. The first is a
      -- pattern to match. The second is a target for
      -- the pattern. If the second argument is Void or not
      -- present, the value from #$_ is used as the target.
      -- Example:
      --   if ( p #=~ ( << "bark", # p >> )) then
      --     print ("Dog, be quiet.%N")
      --   end
         args.count >= 1;
         args.first /= Void

   prefix "#$_": STRING
      -- #$_ is equivalent, roughly, to the the Perl variable $_
      -- It references the last string read by the diamond operators
      -- #<> or # above.
      -- It also needs to prefix a PERLISH object.
      -- See the simple cat loop above for an example

   infix "#s/" (args: TUPLE[STRING,STRING,STRING]): STRING
      -- #s/ implements simple string substitution.
      -- It's meant to be equivalent to the Perl operation
      --  s/old pattern/replacement text/
      -- Here the arguments are supposed to be:
      -- first => old pattern
      -- second => replacement text
      -- third => target string.
      -- If the third parameter is void, the reference from #$_
      -- is used.
      -- The result of the replacement is returned.
         valid_args: args.first /= Void and args.second /= Void

   glob (path: STRING): ARRAY[STRING]
      -- glob
      -- Emulation of the Perl glob function. Given a path
      -- that may contain wild cards, return an array of all
      -- files that match.

   chomp (input_string: STRING)
      -- emulate the Perl chomp function. Strip EOL characters
      -- from the end of a string.
      -- chomp is less useful than you might expect.
      -- Std eiffel library conventions automatically stripe EOL
      -- characters when performing line by line input. But it is
      -- relatively easy to implement.
         has_target: input_string /= Void or else #$_ Current /= Void

   infix "#-d" (path: STRING): BOOLEAN
      -- Implement the -d test for a path name.
      -- returns true if the path resolves to a directory.
      -- Example:
      -- if p #-d "c:\program files" then
      --    print ("Program files exist!%N")
      -- end
         valid_path: path /= Void

   infix "#-f" (path: STRING): BOOLEAN
      -- implements the -f test for a path name.
      -- Returns true if the path resolves to a plain file.
      -- Example
      -- if p #-f "c:\autoexec.bat" then
      --    print ("Found autoexec.bat!%N")
      -- end
         valid_path: path /= Void and then path.count > 0

   infix "#-M" (path: STRING): DOUBLE
      -- Implements the -M operation, returning
      -- the age of a file as a DOUBLE representation
      -- of the number of days. Twelve hours would equal 0.5
      -- Example:
      -- if ( #-M path) > 7.0 then
      --   print ("This " + path + " is getting really old%N")
      -- end
         path /= Void and then file_exists(path)

   is_directory (path: STRING): BOOLEAN
      -- is_directory returns true if the input path
      -- resolves to a directory.
      -- A more Eiffel-like implementation of the
      -- #-d operator
         valid_path: path /= Void and then path.count >= 1

      -- provide a convenient placeholder for prefix
      -- and infix perlish operators
      -- Example: substitute all occurences of "for"
      -- with "rof"
      -- from
      -- until #<> p = Void  -- prefix usage
      -- loop
      --       -- infix #s/ usage, followed by prefix #$_ useage
      --   print ( p #s/ ([ "for", "orf",  #$_ p ]) + "%N")
      -- end

   replace (target, pattern, replacement: STRING)
      -- A more eiffel-like interface for string
      -- substitution. This version modifies the input
      -- target.
      -- Example
      -- foo := clone ("This is a test")
      -- replace (foo, "\ba\b", "my")
      -- print (foo + "%N")  -- prints "This is my test%N"

   sub (target, pattern, replacement: STRING): STRING
      -- preform a replacement, but keep the input string intact

   get_new_system (cmd: STRING): PERLISH_SYSTEM
      -- make a new Perlish system class that can have
      -- redirection set, and execution started, by the

   open_new_system (cmd: STRING): PERLISH_SYSTEM
      -- make a new Perlish system class that runs
      -- immediately, using "|" notation to denote
      -- I/O redirection of the child.

end of PERLISH